Originally from my friend Hilary C.
Pancakes (Makes about 4 or 5 adult-sized pancakes)
3 eggs
1 cup of cottage cheese
1/2 cup or more of flour.
**I would DEFINITELY make two batches of the pancakes (separately, for the sake of your bowl) for a family of more than 2!
Mix together with electric mixer. I used my food processor this time and it gets more of the chunks out of it, but if it has some in it, it tastes just the same. Pour on griddle and cook on medium heat. These take a litte longer than normal pancakes. Cook till golden brown.
Orange sauce
2 eggs
1/2 cup butter
1 cup sugar
2/3 to 1 cup orange juice
4 T grated orange peel (optional)
Melt butter and sugar in saucepan and let it cool. Add orange juice, eggs, and orange peel. (Adding the OJ first helps to cool the butter/ sugar mixture faster) Boil for one minute and remove from heat. Serve warm over cottage cheese pancakes. * I would not double the sauce part of the recipe; this makes a goodly amount and can be stored!
**Sauce can be frozen and scooped out of freezer bag in desired serving increments if you make this in large enough quantities that you want to save it for a later date. Just reheat on stove or in microwave.